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A Film Research Guide: Historical Context

Historical Context > Search Tips

When searching for books or articles for historical context, the following search phrases may be helpful:

"social life and customs" - Add this phrase to a search to find information on daily life in a particular time and place. For example:

Russia social life and customs 1533-1917

Missippi River Valley social life and customs


"social aspects" - Add this phrase to a search to find information on the social aspects of the topic.  For example:

motion pictures and social aspects

motion pictures and social aspects and Japan

short films and social aspects


"intellectual life" - Add this phrase to a search to find information about the intellectual life or culture in a particular place and time or among a particular group of people.  For example:

Bloomsbury intellectual life

New York intellectual life 19th century

Puerto Ricans United States intellectual life

Great Britain intellectual life 18th century


"sources" or "influences" - Add the words sources or influences to a search to find information on the events, philosophy, or literature that helped inform or influence a director or screenwriter, a genre of film, or a particular film.  For example:

Hitchcock and sources

anime and influences


Historical Context > Finding Books

See tips to the left for effective search phrases.


Historical Context > Online Resources

Selected Books