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Best Practices for LibGuides

Use a Database Asset

All of the databases from the Tomlinson Library Databases A-Z list are in the LibGuides Database Assets list, with current links already set up for proxy access off campus. Use these assets when linking to our databases.

Adding a Database Asset

Select Database from the Add menu.  Then type in keywords for the database you need and select the database asset.


You can then customize the database description as needed for your guide's context:

The database asset Academic Search Complete as set up with the "Custom Description" above:

Adding books, ebooks, and other catalog content

Any items from the library catalog can be added to a guide with cover images.  From the Add menu select Book from the Catalog.


Recommended settings for books and other catalog items

Settings for entering "book from the catalog," for the book Tree Story. Includes instructions for three particular settings (ISBN, URL, and Cover Image). Enter an ISBN to find a cover image and to populate the Title and Author fields; In the URL field, the catolog record-level URL is the most stable; For cover art, use the Syndetics cover image whenever possible as Amazon cover images link to the title within Amazon

The book described in the settings above:

Why reuse book (and other catalog) assets?

  •  If you reuse your book assets, you do not need to create a new asset for the same item.
  • The asset can be updated easily across the guides where that item is used.
  • The list of Assets isn't cluttered by duplicates.
  • If you reuse an asset, you can more easily and reliably gather statistics and information on how often that asset is being used.


Reuse an existing book (or ebook, or audiobook, or video...)

  • After selecting "Book from the Catalog" from the Add menu, choose the "Reuse Existing Book" tab on the Add Book settings.
  • Search on the link name and select the existing book you'd like to reuse.



Create a Link Asset

Whenever possible, use a Link Asset to add a link to your LibGuide. 

Why? Links created as an Asset are checked by the LibGuides Link Checker tool, making it easier to fix dead links before our users attempt to use them.  Links created in a Rich Text box will not be tracked in this way.  To create a link asset, select Link from the Add/Reorder menu.

Recommended settings for links

settings for adding a new link, includes instructions for 3 settings (Window target, Description and description display, and Assign Thumbnail Image). Window Target - For accessibility, select "open in current window" as this allows screen reading continuity. Description - Add a description and select a description display format, Assign thumbnail image - Images can be added and resized, with alt text for accessibility


Here's the link described by the "Add Link" settings above:

Why reuse link assets?

  • Reusing your link assets saves you the trouble of setting up a link for a site or resource you've linked to before. 
  • The link asset can be updated easily across the guides where that link is used.
  • The list of Assets isn't cluttered by duplicates.
  • If you reuse an asset, you can more easily and reliably gather statistics and information on how often that asset is being used.


Reuse Existing Link

  • After selecting Link from the Add menu, choose the "Reuse Existing Link" tab on the Add Link settings.
  • Search on the link name and select the existing link you'd like to reuse.

Link Checker

LibGuides has a Link Checking tool, found under the Tools heading on the main LibGuides top menu.

The Link Checker identifies any database, book or outside links that are not working.  The resulting report can be filtered by link type, or guide Author.  Selecting yourself as guide author, you can see any links from your guides that would need to be fixed.  To edit any of these links select the edit icon under Asset on the far right, as indicated in the image below.