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Information Literacy Instruction

Activities from Workshop Participant Groups

In inter-disciplinary discussions, workshop participants developed the following activities and assignments for approaching information literacy concepts in the classroom.  

Meta-analysis Assignment that could work for multiple disciplines
Have students find 5 primary sources, some old and some new, on a particular topic and compare the information within the sources.  

Have the students determine how conclusions about that topic changed (or didn't change) over the course of time and whether this is related to changes, or lack thereof, in information, technology, methodologies etc.


"Loop" Writing Process - Considering Bias, Social Stereotypes and Taking a Neutral Position

This activity centers around a "Loop" writing process which requires the student to research the topic prior to doing any writing. They compare/contrast the source information they found, but then they need to think about any personal bias they may have towards the subject matter. They also need to consider any social stereotypes that may exist, as well as any prejudice. Once they've spent this time in those 3 areas, then they put themselves in a neutral position where they can respond to the source material through writing. 

Multidisciplinary Concept Map - English, Social Work, Nursing, and Building Construction

Students are asked to connect the 4 disciplines along with online resources related to information literacy to show a connection (or correlation) between them. The students then would have to present the concept map (communication) on the relationship amongst us all (using evidence [online resources]).

Provoking Critical Thinking Through Deception

In this activity, a false story or theory would be presented to the class.  Students would work on explaining the theory with case studies and reasoning.  The false nature of the story or theory would then be exposed.  Students discuss the ease with which misconceptions can spread.  To counter the distrust in all information this activity can cause, provide students with some strategies for more critical analysis.