Music history is the occurrence of events in music from its early beginnings to the present time. It is the story of how music has been expressed over time. Traditionally it has been divided into historical periods established by cultural and political history.
Ancient pre 500
Medieval 500-1430
Renaissance 1430-1600
Baroque 1600-1750
Classical 1750-1820
Romantic 1820-1920
Modern 1920-present
"Music has not developed . . . each period becoming better than the past. Music instead is a metamorphosis, a transformation."
On composers:
"Essentially, we are a breed of men and women concerned with the arrangement of the same seven notes."
In referring to the masters of the 18th century, Brahms said: "They are the gods, we are the human beings."
"Music, the greatest good that mortals know."
"Music is the most expressive of all noises."
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