Database for exploring careers on a range of criteria
(aptitudes, interests, work environment, duties, salary, education, skills, etc.)
Developed by the US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration
Selected books on exploring careers in the library collection:
Current profiles for occupations (including work environment, personal traits for success, education and licensing requirements, wages, hours, employment outlook, & links to professional organizations). From the national Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Detailed job market and occupational profiles for Colorado, from the Colorado Office of Labor Market Information.
For a local or regional news:
Grand Junction's daily newspaper
A journalist-owned independent news outlet for the state of Colorado
For national & international news:
U.S. Major Dailies (Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post)
Contains comprehensive full text for major newspapers from the U.S. and around the world.
Books and articles can be helpful for exploring a career area in more detail (beyond an overview) as well as for exploring particular aspects of a career, like hours or stability or legal issues.
Enter a profession and the words AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE to see books & articles on aspects of this profession.
For example: musicians and vocational guidance