Digital Manuscripts can provide insight into a writer's process. Manuscript collections can often be found on Google by searching the author's name and the phrase "digital manuscripts."
Emily Dickinson manuscript excerpt, poem #935 "As imperceptibly as grief"
Amherst College, Emily Dickinson Collection
Subject: Theatre Arts, Literature Literary criticisms, biographies of authors, reference resources, plus works of poetry, drama, and prose fiction from the sixth century to the present day.
Type in an author's name to find copies of their work in the library as well as biographies and criticism about them.
When searching for books in the library, a useful way to find critical analysis on an author or work is to add the words and criticism to an author's name or the title of a work. For example: Robert Frost and criticism OR "Paradise Lost" and criticism
Tomlinson Library has registered our journal holdings with Google Scholar. After setting up full text linking for CMU (see next section), you can search Google Scholar and see the full text of articles available through our databases.
Tell Google Scholar you’re affiliated with Colorado Mesa and you’ll be linked to resources in our databases:
Google Scholar can be used to search on a topic, but it is especially effective for tracking down a specific article. If an article is available in full text through the library databases, a link will be provided to the full text.