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Costume and Dress: Pictures from Magazines

Costume skills courses include costume construction and fitting, fabric painting and fabric dyeing.

Search Journal Finder




Interlibrary Loan

If you are aware of a magazine article you need that we don't have, you can request it though interlibrary loan.  We can sometimes get articles the same day, but it is best to allow a few days.  For further information use this link:

How to Find Pictures in Magazines

To find pictures in magazines, you will probably want to go to the shelf and just browse magazines published during your period of interest that have lots of illustrations that would likely contain clothing. 

If you have a particular title in mind, enter it into the Journal Finder box to your left.  This should show how we could provide access to the title you want.  For example, try the magazine "Life Magazine".  After entering the title notice that we have it in several online databases.  However, if you look at the issues within each database you will discover the illustrations are not included.  For the magazines we have in print on the shelf, click on "Colorado Mesa University Library Journals".  That will take you to our online catalog and you can determine what dates we have and where they are located. In the case of "Life Magazine" we have some years on the shelf in large volumes, and other years are available in microfiche.  Either format will offer illustrations and a librarian will be glad to assist you in finding the particular issues you need.  The "Journal Finder" is also available from the library home page (link below).

Some magazines we have that might be helpful include:

Better Homes & Gardens 1933-1991
Ebony 1963-
Good Housekeeping 1963-1992
Harpers 1850-
Life 1936-1972, 1978-2000
Look 1965-1971
National Geographic 1916-
New York Times Magazine 1947-
Newsweek 1943-2012
Saturday Evening Post 1940-
Time 1933
US News 1946-

History Today 1958-2000
British Heritage 1979-2000
British History Illustrated 1975-1979
Soviet Life 1982-1991

Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Jamie Walker
John U. Tomlinson Library, L226