Subjects: Business, Biological Sciences Online access to variety of reference books from the Gale publishing family. Can search an individual title or all titles at once.
Subject: Archaeology, Art, Architecture, History, Language, Linguistics, Health,
Music, Literature, Philosophy, Science, and Social Science. Full-text subject reference works in a single cross-searchable resource.
Subject: Music. Full-text of Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music (revised 2011), and The Oxford Dictionary of Music, 2nd edition (revised 2006).
Find here background sources, documentaries, books & scholarly articles
Street, Grenada Hendrik Glintenkamp, Smithsonian
Subjects: History, Literature, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics. Art.
Multidisciplinary index to peer-reviewed journal and magazine articles; some full-text; constructs bibliography in five different citation styles.
Subjects: Biological Sciences, Art & Design, Business, Music, Theatre Arts Full-text peer-reviewed journal articles in the humanities and sciences from 1831-"moving wall" (generally 3 to 5 years). Note: most recent 3-5 years are not included. Articles which are not available in our subscription may be requested via InterLibrary Loan.
Searching Google and Google Scholar in Spanish is a good way to return search results in the language. Another option is to limit a search by a country domain. For example, the country code for Mexico is mx. Include the word site and a colon (:) and then the country code. (Other country codes can be found here.) The Google search would look like this
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5. Type in Colorado Mesa University Library -- at some point this will pop up
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