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MATH 492: Math Senior Capstone

An introduction to conducting mathematical research with discussion of various research topics, including how to read and analyze articles in mathematics.

Manuscript and Presentation Resources for the Field of Mathematics

MLA Style (Modern Language Association)

MLA style was created by the Modern Language Association for use by writers and students preparing papers for English Studies, Foreign Language studies, other literary studies, as well as cultural studies.

Why use MLA Style? So that those in the discipline listed above have consistency in their exploration of information in their fields of study being able to scan quickly for key points and sources. Understand MLA Style will also help students further explore information and resources in their research.

Papers written in MLA style should be double spaced. Any notes to be included at the end of the paper should be in a section labeled "Notes" on its own page after the text of the paper but before the works cited page. The page with the citations should start a new page and be labeled "Works Cited", any citations longer than one line should be double spaced, for any citations longer than one line, use hanging indents on the second and all subsequent lines of the citation.

The citations in this guide are general citations from the 8th edition of the MLA handbook shown below.  For more information and more details on the formatting, writing, and citing of papers see the links below.  And remember you can always ask a librarian!

Basic book citation example:

      Morrison, Toni. Beloved. Alfred A. Knopf, 1987.

This example shows first the author, last name first, then title of the book in italics, followed by the publisher and the year published.

(Citation found on page 236 of MLA Handbook ninth edition.)

In-text citations:

  • Parenthetical citation: (Morison 35)

  • Narrative citation:  As Morrison writes in Beloved, "Places, places are still there. If a house burns down, it's gone, but the place-the picture of it-stays" (35).

For further examples and examples of different types of books follow the links below.

Basic article citation example:

      Baron, Naomi. "Redefining Reading: The Impact of Digital Communication Media." PMLA, vol.128, no. 1, Jan. 2013, pp. 193-200.

This example shows first the author's name, last name first, then the title of the article in quotations, the title of the journal in italics, followed by the volume, number, and year of the journal, and then finally the page numbers of the article in the journal. 

(Citation found on page 229 of MLA Handbook ninth edition.)

In-text citations:
  •  Parenthetical citation: (Baron 194)
  •  Narrative citation:  According to Naomi Baron, reading is "just have of literacy. The other half is writing" (194).
For more examples and other types of article citations see the links and resources below.

A basic example of a website citation:

Film Crit Hulk. “What we talk about When We Talk about Female Filmmaking.” Film Crit Hulk! Hulk Blog!. 16 Mar. 2018,

In this example we see the creator's name, the title of the article or item in quotes, followed by the title of the webpage in italics, then the date of the article publication, last is the web address, or location, of the webpage. 

(Citation found on page 114 of MLA Handbook ninth edition.)

In-text citations:
  •  Parenthetical citation: (Film Crit Hulk)
  •  Narrative citation:  According to Film Crit Hulk,.....
For more examples and other types of web and electronic sources citations see the links and resources below.

For all other types of sources Including interviews, paintings, panel discussions, music, movies, and more; as well as in-test citations, other resources, and samples see the resources below.

CSE Style

CSE style of citations was created by the Council of Science Editors, as the most authoritative reference for citations used in most scientific publications. This manual includes sections reflecting different fields of scientific inquiry and publishing.

Using the CSE style of citation creates consistency in writing and explorations of the many different areas of scientific studies and other related fields. It allows for quick scanning of key points and sources in writing and published materials.  Understanding CSE Style with help students further explore information and resources in their research.

In CSE style there are three types of in-text citation that can be used: 
  • Citation-Sequence - uses numbers within the text to refer to the end reference (see page 550 of the manual listed below).
  • Name-Year - uses the surname of author and year of publication in parentheses (see page 551 of the manual listed below).
  • Citation-Name: similar to the Citation-Sequence style uses numbers with the text to refer to the end reference, however, the end references are listed in alphabetical order by author then title (see page 554 of the manual listed below).
The citations in the guide are general citations from the 8th edition of the Scientific Style and Format reference resource shown below. For more information see the reference listed below and remember you can always ask a librarian!

Basic book citation example:

Citation-sequence and citation-name:

Schott J, Priest J. Leading antenatal classes: a practical guide. 2nd ed. Boston (MA): Books for Midwives; 2002.

This example shows the authors' names, last name first followed by first initial, then the title of the book, edition, place of publication, publisher, and finally date of publication. (This example comes from page 592 of the Scientific Style and Format 8th ed.)

Schott J, Priest J. 2002. Leading antenatal classes: a practical guide. 2nd ed. Boston (MA): Books for Midwives.
This example shows the authors' names, last name first followed by first initial, the date of publication, then the title of the book, edition, place of publication, and finally the publisher (This example comes from page 592 of the Scientific Style and Format 8th ed.)
For in-text citation information see the CSE Basics tab of this guide.
For further examples of book citations see the manual listed below.

Basic article citation example:

Citation-Sequence and citation-name:

Smart N, Fang ZY, Marwick TH. A practical guide to exercise training for heart failure patients. J Card Fail. 2003;9(1):49-58

This example shows the authors' names, last name first followed by first initial, then the title of the article, abbreviated journal title, date of publication, volume, the issue in parenthesis, and finally page numbers. (This example comes from page 582 of the Scientific Style and Format 8th ed.)

Smart N, Fang ZY, Marwick TH. 2003. A practical guide to exercise training for heart failure patients. J Card Fail. 9(1):49-58
This example shows the authors' names, last name first followed by first initial, the date of publication, then the title of the article, abbreviated journal title, volume, the issue in parenthesis, and finally page numbers. (This example comes from page 582 of the Scientific Style and Format 8th ed.)
For in-text citation information see the CSE Basics tab of this guide.
For further examples of article citations see the manual listed below.

Basic website citation example:

Citation-Sequence and citation-name:

APSnet: plant pathology. St Paul (MN): American Phytopathological Association; c1994-2005 [accessed 2005 Jun 20].

This example shows the title of the website home page, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, date accessed in brackets, and finally the URL.  (This example comes from page 628 of the Scientific Style and Format 8th ed.)

APSnet: plant pathology. c1994-2005. St Paul (MN): American Phytopathological Association; [accessed 2005 Jun 20].
This example shows the title of the website home page, date of publication, place of publication, publisher, date accessed in brackets, and finally the URL.  (This example comes from page 630 of the Scientific Style and Format 8th ed.)
For in-text citation information see the CSE Basics tab of this guide.
For further examples of article citations see the manual listed below.

For all other types of sources Including interviews, panel discussions, images, social media, and more; as well as in-text citations, other resources, and samples see the resource below.