Redbook contains the latest immunization schedules as well as clinical guidelines on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 common childhood medical conditions.
If you find the CMU Library does not have the item you are looking for (or if the item you need is checked out), you can search Prospector, a combined catalog of large libraries in Colorado and Wyoming.
CMU students can request materials through Prospector and the items will generally be delivered to the CMU Library within a few business days.
See Interlibrary Loan for more information.
Search specific ebook collections:
Or, Ebooks can be found in the library's catalog. See this example below:
Depending on the ebook vendor, the way you actually access or download the ebook can vary. If you need help accessing ebooks, contact the library.
Books and other materials from the Tomlinson Library collection can be sent to your local public library for pick-up.
To request an item:
If you are selecting the Montrose or Bishop campuses as your pick-up location, use the library number on your MAV card. If you are selecting a local public library as a pick-up location, enter the number on your public library card.
If your local library is not Montrose, the Bishop campus, or a Marmot library, we can still get materials to you. Please contact the Interlibrary Loan office: 970-248-1844