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ARTE 102: 3-D Design, Crocetto

This is intended to help ARTE 102 students with research in 3-D Design.

Image Search Engines

  • It's now possible to search Google Images using an image - for example, if you have a photograph, but you don't know anything about what is in that image, you can upload it to Google Images, and it will search for similar images that should have some identifying information available.
  • Google now has a Usage Rights filter (this tells you whether or not it's okay for you to use an image for various purposes without violating copyright - for more information, see the Copyright and Usage Rights for Images section of the guide).
    1. Use the Advanced Image Search
    2. In the top boxes type the keywords you would like to search for
    3. The last drop down box will be the "usage rights" options - select one of the "free to use or share" options to avoid copyright infringement

Google usage rights options

Use the "Any license" drop down menu to restrict your search to images with various usage licenses or copyright

Browsing Museum and Gallery Collections

Most museums and galleries have high-quality images of at least some pieces in their collections. If you have a piece in mind and know which gallery of museum has it, visit their website and look for "collections." If you're exploring, the following are some of the most prominent museums of art and design in the world with images of their art and objects available online.