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Music History: Reference Books

Guide to resources relating to Music History

Find Books @ CMU

The catalog searches for materials owned by the Tomlinson Library. You can do a title search for a specific book, ebook, media, etc., or a keyword search if you are looking for items on a particular topic. Or try a subject search based upon subjects you have already discovered in your searching.



You can also manage your library account including renewals and checking on holds you have placed from "My Library Account" at the Library Home Page.

How to Find Reference Books

To look for reference books enter your search terms in the search box above.  After your results appear, in the "Collection" section of the "Narrow Your Results" column on the left side of the page, click on "Reference".

Useful terms for starting might be:

  Music History
  Music Biography
  Music Dictionary
  Jazz History
  Opera History

You can also enter your search terms in the search box at the library home page. For more detail see the "How to Find Books" tab above.

What are Reference Books

Reference books typically contain information in a concise and authoritative manner.  Encyclopedias and dictionaries are the two most common types you will encounter. Other types are almanacs, bibliographies, directories, handbooks, etc.  Books in Tomlinson Library's Reference Collection cannot be checked out and must be used in the library.  The library has some electronic reference materials as well.  If you are at home and need to look up something, try our electronic reference materials.  A few music e-resources are listed folowing the books below.

Selected Reference Books

Selected E-Reference Titles

Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Jamie Walker
John U. Tomlinson Library, L226

Online Reference Music Resources

Search Grove Music Online, Oxford Dictionary of Music and the Oxford Companion to Music simultanously.