I Don't Even Hear the Trains Run Anymore
Twitchell, Russell. 9(1) Win 1994
In the Spirit of Public Service: Leslie J. Savage of Western Colorado
McCall, Laura. 5(1) Win 1990
Introduction to "La Mamma"
Marasco, Sue Ann. 16(3) Sum 2001
Introduction to Wayne Aspinall's Autobiography
Schulte, Steven C. 16(1&2) Win/Spr 2001
John Lawrence and the Opening of the San Juans, 1869-1882
Crowther, Edward R. 7(3) Sum 1992
John Otto: More Than a Misunderstood Visionary
Woytek, Steve. 13(4) Fall 1998
Johnson's House of Flowers: A Family Tradition
Blackman, Lillian. 5(4) Aut 1990
KREX Story: A History of Broadcasting in the Grand Valley
Scheietert, Ken. 6(3) Fall 1991
Ku Klux Klan in Grand Junction, 1924-1927
Baird, J. Kenneth. 4(1) Win 1989
La Mamma
Maracso, Roland Joseph. 16(3) Sum 2001
Labor Shortage and Its Solution During World War II in the Grand Valley of Western Colorado
Mease, Kristi. 7(3) Sum 1992
Lands End Road
Lindley, Kathy. 10(4) Fall 1995
Las Inmigrantes Mexicanas
Richards, CherylAnne. 7(3) Sum 1992
Life of Humanitarian Sabrina Veronica Lally O'Malley
Passer, Vivian. 10(3) Sum 1995
Life of the Sheepherder . . . Then and Now
Rock, Luanne. 6(2) Spr 1991
Little Empire of the Western Slope: Boosterism in the Early Grand Valley
Eastin, Michael. 3(2) Spr 1988