Anderson, Darren
Drawing of KKK members and a burning cross. 4(1) Win 1989
Armstrong, Tim
Drawing of a Black-capped Chickadee. 2(2) Spr 1987
Axelsson, Nicole
Drawing of a Basque hotel. 7(1) Win 1992
Drawing of the entrance to the Orchard Valley Mine. 7(2) Spr 1992
Bonzek, Debra Bangert
Drawing of Chief Ouray. 1(2) Spr 1986
Drawing of Chipeta. 1191) Win 1996
Bradford, Varina
Drawing of the Crawford Mill. 4(3) Sum 1989
Drawing of the Savage Library, Western State College. 5(1) Win 1990
Bradley, Justin
Drawing of Cleon Dalby playing clarinet. 14(1) Win 1999
Brigham, Wendy MacPhail
Artists rendition of the Thousand Year Old Pine and its location. Sleeping Ute Mountain is in background. 14(4) Fall 1999
Darnell, Nicole M
Drawing of buffalo and Indian spear. 16(4) Fall 2001
Frank, Jason
Cartoon of a Camp Hale soldier knocking out a German soldier. 12(1) Win 1997
Garcia, Robert
Drawing of Hispanic women in front of company housing for the farm workers. 6(3) Fall 1991
Cartoon from Rocky Mt. News 9/24/09 entitled "Moving Day in the Uncompahgre". 8(4) Fall 1993
Gray, Paul
Drawing of Wayne Aspinall. 16(1&2) Win/Spr 2001
Drawing of tree with man sitting under it. 15(4) Fall 2000
Hardy, Charles
Drawing of Mary Rait. 3(3) Sum 1988 and 3(4) Aut 1988
Drawing of Richard E. Tope. 10(1) Win 1995 and 10(2) Spr 1995
Drawing of teen and car. 12(3) Sum 1997
Drawing of Walter Walker. 12(4) Fall 1997
Drawing of wild horses. 13(1&2) Win/Spr 1998
Drawing of William Moyer. 10(3) Sum 1995
Heinrich, M L
Map of the uranium mills in the four corners area. 7(4) Fall 1992 and 8(1) Win 1993
Heinrich, Michael
Sectional map of Grand Junction. 1(3) Sum 1986
Hill, Gwen
Drawing of farm laborers during World War II. 7(3) Sum 1992
Drawing of sheepherders. 6(2) Spr 1991
Hutchinson, G. Roger
Drawing of Japanese bombing balloon over Delta. 15(1) Win 2000
Drawing of people of Delta welcoming home the state football champs. 15(3) Sum 2000
Johnston, Patty
Drawing of Sidney Brooks Lloyd's cabin. 9(4) Fall 1994
Jones, Russell W.
Drwing of the Animas River and chief Ignacio. 9(3) Sum 1994
Look, Al
Painting of John Otto. 13(4) Fall 1998
Martin, Curtis W.
Archaeological map of the Kewclaw site, Battlement Mesa. 4(4) Aut 1989
McIntosh, Jodi
Drawing of Houston Hall. 5(20 Spr 1990
Mena, Eric
Drawing of Ole Gunderson. 9(1) Win 1994
Mock, Sara
Drawing of a farm man. 1(4) Win 1986
Drawing of a farm woman. 1(1) Win 1986
Morton, David
Drawing of a pioneer woman on horseback on a mountain trail. 2(3) Sum 1987
Drawing of the Schiesswohl building at 6th & Colorado in Grand Junction. 2(4) Fall 1987
Murray, Jack (John H)
Drawing of early truck going up Lands End road. 10(4) Fall 1995
Drawing of early women settlers in front of cabin. 3(2) Spr 1988
Drawing of Grand Junction Indian School. 8(3) Sum 1993
Drawing of horse drawn fire wagon of GJFD. 3(1) Win 1988
Drawing of the Colorado National Monument. 6(4) Sum 1991
Drawing of the exhibition hall on early Mesa County Fair Grounds. 5(3) Sum 1990
Drawing of the Hotel Colorado. 9(2) Spr 1994
Drawing of the original Carnegie Public Library Grand Junction. 12(2) Spr 1997
Drawing of Ute Indian removal. 8(2) Spr 1993
Murray, Jim
Drawing of the St. Regis Hotel. 5(4) Aut 1990
Novak, John
Drawing of the interior of the original Schmidt Hadware circa 1912. 4(2) Spr 1989
Plsek, Sheila
Drawing of early school house with horse and wagon in front. 6(1) Win 1991
Poole, Julia
Drawing of a bug - probably an Oriental fruit moth. 14(3) Sum 1999
Turner, Ami
Drawing of Carlson Vineyards winemaker Parker Carlson. 11(2) Spr 1996
Drawing of inscription carved by Antoine Robiodoux on a rock overhang at entrance to Westwater Canyon 1937. 11(4)
Fall 1996
Drawing of Mesa Drug, circa 1957. 11(3) Sum 1996
Valentine, Jayne
Drawing of mountain wagon road with wagon and horses. 2(1) Win 1987
White, Michael (Mike)
Drawing of apartment building, Mt. Garfield and two Italian immigranst. 14(2) Spr 1999
Drawing of Maria Guiseppa Marasco. 16(3) Sum 2001
Drawing of sheep hearing wagon and a sheepshearer. 17(1) Win 2002
Drawing of Tom Mix and scene from movie "Great K & A Train Robbery". 13(3) Sum 1998
Willis, Kurvin
Drawing of Ole Gunderson. 9(1) Win 1994
Map showing Surface Creek Valley courtesy of Wiley Scott Brady. 15(2) Spr 2000